This is what your site needs to perform well as a multiple page website:
Focused page content – as you now have multiple pages, it becomes necessary to split your business information into manageable, sector focused pages.
One or two fixed navigation menus – for short pages, navigation can be easily kept simple and easy to use, but with longer pages, it is an advantage to have menus at the top and bottom of the page.
A main header Menu with links to your various Pages – for a five-page website you want your menu links to point to other pages, and even to sub-sections within those pages.
Call us to discuss – we will work with you, listen to your needs and wishes and then, we will start to build your website.
eCommerce, Membership or Ticketing pages are available with this pacakge. It is clearly important for stakeholders to have clear sight of the end goal of the new website.
Don’t forget to look at Extra Services to protect your website, backups, malware protection etc